由華德瓊斯夫婦所贈,共3件,包括紀念牌(木製底座,上鑲嵌銀框黑色金屬牌,金色刻字)、煙盒及紅絲絨包裝布袋。 此物經由外交部舊金山辦事處寄送中正紀念堂典藏,上寫:「內容:蔣中正總統紀念煙盒」,簽收日期為民國92年10月23日。 紀念牌文字為: United In Democracy May this piece of history, being donated to the CKS Musieum, Taiwan, and its people serve to help all realize that Taiwan and the US are not only brothers in heart, spirit, and soul, but also recognized members of the global community. Ward K Jones 煙盒正面有「孝悌忠信 禮義廉恥」字樣,並有中華民國國徽及蔣中正總統戎裝像。背面有「外和內睦 平定四夷 功在抗戰 華夏無虞」十六字。(其中虞及義字略有磨損)